
CEO Message


It is with great joy that we would like to inform you that we have reopened our memo Baleeira, in Sagres! Much has been said about this crisis, but today, what I want to do is to send you a message of trust and hope.

Trust, because we have opened memmo Baleeira with the certainty that we have guarantee all possible measures to minimize the risks of those who visit us. The “Clean & Safe” certification issued by Turismo de Portugal for our hotel, does nothing more than confirm our commitment. We do not look at the means when it comes to the safety of our team and our guests. You can follow here the main measures we have implemented .

This is also a message of hope! Hope that this message finds you and your whole family well; Hope that from June we will have our hotel, our beaches, our restaurants and our local community ready to welcome you; hope that soon we will be together again and return to the sea and nature surrounding us.

Surf and sea have been rooted in me since ever! From all the thigs I was deprived of during the quarantine, the most difficult part was being away from family, friends and the sea, this territory is so big and it defines so well what it is to be Portuguese. We are a country with its roots in the sea and the time has come, to start slowly leaving our homes, feeling the sun and the sea and Sagre´s beaches. Because at the end of the day, life only makes sense when it is shared with those, we like the most and doing what we like the most. I have already chosen where I will be this summer, Sagres, and I will be waiting to welcoming you.

There is a word that the Hawaiian people, close to the sea, use to say goodbye. It is imbued with some characteristics of this people, such as friendship, hospitality and cordiality, which we have adopted in this special moment as ours.

ALOHA and see you soon!

Rodrigo Machaz, CEO memmo Hotels

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